5 Dicas Para Escolher uma Universidade no Canadá
January 10, 2024
Preparatório IELTS Speaking
January 22, 2024A habilidade de expressar ideias de maneira coesa é fundamental para o sucesso na seção de escrita do IELTS. Utilizar conectores apropriados é uma maneira eficaz de melhorar a fluidez e a clareza do seu texto. Neste Blog, exploraremos os 10 conectores essenciais para impulsionar sua redação no IELTS, fornecendo exemplos práticos de como integrá-los de maneira eficaz.
1. Furthermore: Example: “Renewable energy is a sustainable solution to the growing energy crisis. Furthermore, it has the potential to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate environmental degradation.”
2. Nonetheless: Example: “Many argue that technology has led to social isolation. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that it has also facilitated global connectivity and information sharing.”
3. Consequently: Example: “The depletion of natural resources is a pressing issue. Consequently, adopting eco-friendly practices is imperative to ensure a sustainable future.”
4. Nevertheless: Example: “The benefits of space exploration are evident. Nevertheless, critics argue that the vast resources allocated to it could be utilized for addressing Earthly issues.”
5. In addition: Example: “Learning a second language provides cognitive benefits. In addition, it enhances cross-cultural communication, fostering a more interconnected global society.”
6. On the contrary: Example: “Some believe that standardized testing improves education. On the contrary, it can lead to a narrow focus on test preparation at the expense of holistic learning.”
7. Subsequently: Example: “Globalization has facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas. Subsequently, it has led to a blending of cultures, creating a more diverse and interconnected world.”
8. In conclusion: Example: “The impact of climate change is undeniable. In conclusion, urgent and collective action is required to mitigate its far-reaching consequences.”
9. Nevertheless: Example: “Advancements in artificial intelligence have revolutionized various industries. Nevertheless, ethical considerations must be prioritized to prevent potential negative consequences.”
10. Moreover: Example: “Access to education is a fundamental right. Moreover, it is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering social equality.”
EnglishPrep – Writing Classes
Na Englishprep, estamos comprometidos em ajudar você a alcançar seus objetivos na seção de escrita do IELTS. Agende agora sua aula gratuita com nossos especialistas em redação, onde receberá orientação personalizada para elevar suas habilidades. Para se inscrever, basta enviar uma mensagem pelo WhatsApp.
Não perca a oportunidade de aprimorar sua escrita e conquistar pontuações excepcionais no IELTS!